Spartanburg County School District 03


Spartanburg County School District 03


Spartanburg County is located in the northwestern Piedmont Section of South Carolina. Spartanburg School District Three is located in the eastern part of Spartanburg County. District Three borders Cherokee County to the east and School District Two to the north. To the west of District Three are Districts Six and Seven and Union County is located to the south. District Three is approximately three and a half miles wide and fourteen miles long. The population of District Three residents is between 17,000 and 22,000 people. The past economic history of this district has been predominately related to textile mills. The district had a low tax base until 1968. In the late 1960's, extensive industrial growth occurred in the district. The largest district industrial firms are Hoechst Celanese Corporation and R. R. Donnelley and Sons.

Mission Statement

The mission of Spartanburg 3 School District …steeped in history, focused on the future…is to equip all students to thrive as productive citizens by ensuring challenging and relevant learning experiences in a safe, nurturing environment.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


Spartanburg County School District 03

3535 Clifton - Glendale Road, Glendale, SC 29346