Renton School District
Renton School District
We are a public school system of about 14,000 students, representing a diverse population, in a suburb of Seattle. We have strong support for education from the community, as evidenced in numerous partnerships. We pass our bonds and levies and have been rebuilding/remodeling our schools to state-of-the-art educational facilities as a result of bond passage.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Renton School District, a partnership of families, community, and employees, is to instill in each student, knowledge, skills, responsibility, and inspiration to become a life-long learner and a successful contributor to a changing, more technologically advanced and diverse society by ensuring academic achievement, mutual respect, and positive self-esteem. We believe... student needs come first. all people have worth. all people can learn. all people have an equal right to quality education. education is key to the future. people need to experience the excitement of learning as a life-long process. Education includes academic, social, emotional, physical and character development. diversity is valuable. each student is unique and deserves resources to match his/her needs. people learn in different ways which require varied teaching styles. talent and creativity exist in each person and can be developed. students can develop responsibility and accountability. it is important to measure and evaluate achievement. learning increases when basic needs are met. people with high self-esteem are better able to learn. people benefit when acknowledged for their accomplishments. an individual's full potential is attainable when perceived limitations are eliminated. shared decision making and responsibility lead to increased commitment and accountability. it is the responsibility of the community to actively participate in the education of children. extra-curricular activities are important. neighborhood schools are desirable for all students. continuous evaluation and refinement of goals and processes are necessary for educational excellence. family involvement and advocacy for students is crucial to academic success. students learn best in a safe environment. students benefit from positive peer support and collaboration. staff collaboration improves teaching and learning. a quality education encompasses disciplines that foster
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement