Radford City Public Schools


Radford City Public Schools


Radford City Schools consist of 4 schools. All the schools are located within Radford City and one mile of the school board office. We average around 1,500 students. McHarg Elementary School is located at 151 George Street. It serves grades K - 3. The Principal is Mrs. Michelle Greene. The school was built in 1908 and named after Henry McHarg. Mr. McHarg was a prominent business owner in Radford at the time. Belle Heth Elementary School is located at 151 George Street in Radford. The new school is under construction. It serves grades 4 - 6. The Principal is Mrs. Kelly Linkenhoker. The school was built in 1957. The school is named after Mrs. Belle Heth, the wife of Captain Stockton Heth. Dalton Intermediate School is located at 600 Dalton Drive. DIS serves grades 7 and 8. The Principal is Mr Darden Freeman. DIS was built in 1979 and originally named Radford Intermediate School. In 1986 the name was changed to Dalton Intermediate School after the late Governor John Dalton Radford High School is located at 50 Dalton Drive. RHS serves grades 9 - 12. The Principal is Mr. Mrs. Tara Grant and the Assistant Principal is Mr. Cam Sellers. RHS was built in 1928 with additions constructed in the mid 1950's. The 1928 portion of the building burned in 1970 and was replaced with a modern structure that same year.

Mission Statement

The Radford City Schools aspire to provide a challenging setting for learning in which students prepare for success in college and careers, develop a competitive spirit, and become responsible citizens. Our mission is "excellence in education" for every student, every day.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


Radford City Public Schools

1612 Wadsworth St, Radford, VA 24141