Dinwiddie County Public Schools


Dinwiddie County Public Schools


Dinwiddie County Public Schools serves 4500 students in central Virginia. There are five elementary schools, one middle school and one high school. All schools are accredited by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Located 25 minutes south of the state capital, Dinwiddie County offers a rural lifestyle close to big city services. We are 10 minutes from a major regional shopping mall, and an easy drive to the mountains, beach or nation's capital in Washington DC. There are many colleges and universities in the area for those interested in graduate study. The division offers a competitive salary and benefits packing, including a laptop computer for all new employees to use while working with us.

Mission Statement

The mission of Dinwiddie County Public Schools is to involve the total community in a commitment to an educational process which puts the needs of each child at the forefront and provides the necessary resources and structures to enable each individual to develop into a productive citizen prepared for high education or to enter a field of vocation.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


Dinwiddie County Public Schools

14016 Boydton Plank Road, Dinwiddie, VA 23841