Cumberland County Public Schools


Cumberland County Public Schools


Cumberland is a small rural division that is within 2 1/2 hours of ski country, beaches, Washington, D.C., and Richmond is only 40 miles away. Approximately 1,450 students attend one high school, one middle school and one elementary school. All schools are accredited by the Virginia Department of Education. Over 105 classroom teachers, librarians, guidance counselors, and other teaching personnel work together to meet the educational needs of our children.

Mission Statement

Our Vision Statement: The Cumberland County School system will be a model rural school system that serves as the educational and resource center for the community. Our Mission Statement: Cumberland County Public Schools, in partnership with the family and community, will provide every student with the opportunity for a first class education in a safe, respectful environment.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


Cumberland County Public Schools

1541 Anderson Hwy, Cumberland, VA 23040