Santa Rosa County Public Schools


Santa Rosa County Public Schools


Our commitment to excellence is evidenced in our high rankings among all school districts in Florida. In all measures of achievement in every subject area and at every grade level, Santa Rosa’s students are usually the best in the state. The majority of our schools (19) have earned the coveted grade of "A" on Florida’s A+ Plan, and we have only two schools that rank below "B". We are proud of our accomplishments, and they continue to grow. On measures of student preparation for college work, Santa Rosa’s graduating seniors ranked first in the state in 2001, and students at our seven high schools earned more than $13,975,605 in scholarships last year. The Santa Rosa County School District is a family of learners who work together to promote successful integration of all our resources in the best interests of all our students. Our family includes: • an exemplary faculty and staff, among them 37 National Board Certified teachers, school and district administrators who are recognized throughout the state as leading professionals in their fields • dedicated and experienced School Board members who have served multiple terms looking after the interests of our students • over 9,759 volunteers who logged over 156,165 hours of service in our schools last year business partners who provide us with incentives, encouragement, and expertise • parents who are actively involved in School Advisory Councils and PTA/PTO organizations • nearly 25,000 students who put a high priority on their academics. Santa Rosa County is located in Northwest Florida, between the city of Pensacola and the Fort Walton Beach/Destin areas. Known for the pristine nature of its coastline found in Navarre Beach on the county's southern end and the beautiful rivers that canoe enthusiasts flock to in the northern portion of the county, Santa Rosa offers incredible diversity. It's a great place to live, work, and play! Santa Rosa County is experiencing unprecedented growth and

Mission Statement

The Santa Rosa County School District, a growing and diverse community of learners with strong values, promotes self-directed and productive learning through a comprehensive and innovative curriculum, visionary and collaborative leadership, and sound management.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


Santa Rosa County Public Schools

5086 CANAL ST, MILTON, FL 32570-2257