Putnam City Public Schools


Putnam City Public Schools


19,207 students 9,284 elementary 4,117 middle school 5,806 high school 18 elementary schools 5 middle schools 3 high schools 1 alternative high school For 12 consecutive years, Putnam City Schools has been selected as one of the top school systems in the nation as a recipient of the SchoolMatch "What Parents Want Award." SchoolMatch maintains information on every public school system in the country to help employees transferred by their companies find schools that match the needs of their children. Criteria used in selecting winners of the "What Parents Want Award" include curriculum, academic test scores, recognition for excellence, library/media services, class size and above average expenditures on pupil instruction.

Mission Statement

The mission of Putnam City Schools is to prepare our students to be responsible citizens and lifelong learners. It's a mission in which we are succeeding.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


Putnam City Public Schools

5401 Northwest 40th Street, Warr Acres, OK 73122-3302