Muldrow Public Schools


Muldrow Public Schools


School Profile: Muldrow is a rural community located in eastern Oklahoma's Sequoyah County. According to the 2000 census data, the school district population is 7200, with approximately 3500 living within the city limits of Muldrow. The percent of adults with college degrees is only 12% and 32% have less than a 12th grade education. The average household income is $35,085, which is $9,285 less than state average. The average property valuation is $13,121, which is $13,966 less than the state average. The Muldrow Public School system serves approximately 1700 students in pre-kindergarten through the twelfth grade with approximately 125 certified teachers, 4 counselors, and 7 administrators. Ethnically, the students are 62% Caucasian, 31% Native American, 5% Hispanic, 2% Black and 1% Asian.

Mission Statement

Mission Statement: The mission of Muldrow Schools is: To empower students to be successful participants in a global community, by opening the doors of opportunity for knowledge, skill, and self-worth. Philosophy: The fundamental goal of the Muldrow Public School District is to provide adequate instruction so that each student will be enabled to function in a suitable manner as a contributing member of the community. The task of educators and of an informed public is to organize the educational system in such a way as to help individual students achieve personal growth and understanding and to cultivate to the maximum intellectual, moral, and aesthetic capacities. It is not enough to supply them with facts that often have only incidental or temporary importance. They must acquire the tools of learning; they must learn to read, to think, and to communicate. Students must be creative when they apply learning and they must be able to employ the scientific method. They must not be detached but rather committed to human betterment. They must be tolerant, informed, and independent. Such a person will be genuinely free and will protect and perpetuate the institution of a free society. Education provides the student with a mastery of fundamental principles in the humanities, in the social and natural sciences and in the technology to serve the economical, cultural, and/or the long-range interest of an advancing society. With this in mind we believe that the school and community should study their needs in order to determine the curricular offering and make adjustments as needed.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


Muldrow Public Schools