Keota Public Schools


Keota Public Schools


We are proud of our 100+ years of educational service to this community. Keota administrators and teachers are dedicated to providing the highest quality education for all our students. The purpose of this school district is to produce students with the opportunity to learn and grow toward a life of success in our ever changing world. My fellow administrators and I are available to answer any questions you have and provide leadership toward making our school system continuously better.

Mission Statement

The future lies in the hands of our youth. Keota Public School maintains very high expectations in our efforts to educate the students of this area. It is our belief that our students deserve the best opportunity to learn, and that learning includes not only academic knowledge, but self-discipline, self-motivation, maturity, and leadership ability. We believe it requires all personnel, from the board members to the custodial staff, to maintain the highest of personal standards and represent a positive role model in our society.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


Keota Public Schools

110 Northeast 6th Street, Keota, OK 74941-6777