Dale Public Schools


Dale Public Schools


Dale is a small rural community just northwest of Shawnee and about thirty miles east of Oklahoma City. It is just north of Interstate 40 and two miles west of Highway 177 on State Highway 270. Most of the students that attend Dale Public Schools do not live within the Dale city limits but in the surrounding areas. There are few businesses and places of employmnet within Dale itself, but job opportunities near Dale include several large factories and businesses in Shawnee, as well as Tinker Air Force Base, General Motors, and other factories in Oklahoma City. As in most communities, the student population is quite diverse. Of the 720 students enrolled in October 2005, one was of Spanish origin, four were African American, seventy four were Native American, two were Oriental, and 639 were Caucasian or other decent. The average household income is around $33,000.00. About ten percent of the students' parents are college educated. 71 percent have some college education, 40 percent are high school graduates, and 19 percent have less than a high school education.

Mission Statement

The mission of Dale Public Schools is to create an environment that channels each student's energy into self-realization and high academic standards.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


Dale Public Schools

300 Smith Avenue, Dale, OK 74851-8218