Bridge Creek Public Schools


Bridge Creek Public Schools


Bridge Creek is a K-12 system in northern Grady County. Bridgecreek has 85 teachers and 1452 students. Bridgecreek is experiencing accelerated growth with many new housing additions starting. Bridgecreek is located in the Tri-City area surrounded by Newcastle, Blanchard and Tuttle.

Mission Statement

The mission of Bridge Creek Schools is to create and maintain a positive and welcoming school climate, free of drugs, violence, intimidation and fear. To provide an environment in which teachers can teach and students can learn which promotes the cognitive and affective development of all children, and those professionals who serve them.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

Bridge Creek School District, District I-95, Grady County, Oklahoma does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, religion, socio-economic status or veteran status in its admission to educational programs, services or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals or in any aspect of their operations. Bridge Creek School District does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.

Bridge Creek Public Schools

2209 East Sooner Road, Blanchard, OK 73010-6634