Asher Public Schools


Asher Public Schools


Small rural school with approximately 225 students Pre-k thru 12th grade. Asher School has 23 teachers and 15 support staff employees.

Mission Statement

1.The main purpose of this school is to help the student develop physically, morally, emotionally, and mentally to his/her fullest extent, limited by only their interest and ability. 2. Every student should be given assistance in finding out his/her aptitudes, interest, and abilities so he or she may plan for the future. 3.The actions of the students and all school personnel should be directed toward developing wholesome human relations in the school and community. 4.It is the duty of the school to help train each student to become a good citizen of the school and community. 5. Asher School will comply with Title IX concerning sex discrimination.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


Asher Public Schools

201 South Division, Asher, OK 74826-0168