Durham Public Schools


Durham Public Schools


Durham Public Schools serves the students who live in the city limits and county of Durham, North Carolina. The district is the seventh largest in North Carolina and has 50 schools and serves 32,000 students who come from diverse backgrounds. 56.7% of the students are African-American while 27.8% of the students are White and 10% have a Hispanic background. The district's minimum supplement to the state's teaching salary schedule is 12.5%. Durham Public Schools is also the first district in North Carolina to have full-time teacher mentors serving all beginning teachers in the district.

Mission Statement

In collaboration with our community and parents, the mission of Durham Public Schools is to provide all students with an outstanding education that motivates them to reach their full potential and enables them to discover their interests and talents, pursue their goals and dreams, and succeed in college, in the workforce and as engaged citizens.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement


Durham Public Schools

511 Cleveland Street, Durham, NC 27701