QUALIFICATION: 1. Professional Educators License issued by ISBE.
2. Minimum of Bachelors Degree.
3. Good command of English language.
4. Willing to continue training for professional growth.
5. Meets qualification for endorsements as outlined in 23 IL
Administrative Code Substitute A Part 1 Section 1.720
RESPONSIBLE TO: Building Principal
JOB GOAL: 1. Meets and instructs assigned classes in the locations and at the
times designated.
2. Plans a program of study that, as much as possible, meets the
Individual needs, interests, and abilities of the students.
3. Creates a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and
appropriate to the maturity of the students.
4. Prepares for classes assigned, and shows written evidence of
preparation upon request of immediate superior.
5. Assesses the accomplishments of students on a regular basis and
provides progress reports as required.
6. Maintains accurate, complete, and correct records as required by
law, district policy, and administrative regulation.
7. Assists the administration in implementing all policies and rules
governing student life and conduct, and, for the classroom,
develops reasonable rules of classroom behavior and procedure,
and maintains order in the classroom in a fair and just manner.
8. Other duties and responsibilities as assigned.
9. Nothing in this job description will supersede the collective
bargaining agreement between the Board of Education of School
District 90 and the OFallon Classroom Federation of Teachers.
Application Procedure:
Apply online
Selection Procedure: It is not necessary that you contact the District #90 administrators to request an interview. The following procedure will be followed:
1. Applications will be reviewed.
2. Based upon the assessment of the application, the most promising candidates will be contacted for a personal interview.
3. Following the interview process, a written recommendation will be prepared supporting the employment decision.
4. The recommendation for employment will be presented by the Superintendent to the Board of Education for consideration and action.
5. Those Candidates who were interviewed will be notified of the Board's decision.