Elementary School Librarian
Must hold a license issued by New Jersey Department of Education.
The license position area must be in Media Specialist/Librarian.
The license must be in one of the following grades: Preschool/Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
The license status must be active.
The Library Media Specialist will manage the day-to-day operations of the school library, such as: Use standard library procedures to research, develop, acquire, organize, maintain and make available a balanced and diverse collection of current information, resources, and technology tools to students and teachers for an enhanced and engaging learning environment. Work collaboratively with classroom teachers to design and implement standards-based instruction that supports progress in achieving competency in all content areas through information literacy and information technology resources. Provide leadership and expertise in the selection, acquisition, evaluation, and organization of information resources and technologies. Teach students to follow an inquiry process as they ask questions, evaluate, and collect information from multiple sources to construct understanding by thinking critically. Encourage the use of instructional technology to engage students and to improve learning. Collaborate with classroom teachers to develop assignments that are instructionally sound and include key critical thinking, literacy and social skills, and instructional technology. Work with teachers and administrators to ensure that information literacy skills are embedded systematically throughout the school and the library instructional program. Develop and maintain an up-to-date, diverse collection of print and non-print resources appropriate to the curriculum, the learners, the teaching styles, the instructional strategies used, and reflect students’ interests. Develop policies and procedures to ensure efficient operation, services, and facility use for a 21st century school library media program. Maintain a comprehensive and efficient system for cataloging all library materials and instruct teachers and students on the use of the system. Help students to develop habits of independent reference work and to develop skill in the use of reference materials in relation to planned assignments. Perform other duties as assigned by administration and its representatives. Model Christian behavior and demonstrate the morals and values contained in the Gospels.