Truancy Officer

Job | Posted 17 days ago
Position Areas
Non-Instructional Support


San Carlos Unified School District #20
Office of Human Resources
P.O. Box 207, San Carlos, Arizona 85550
Phone (928) 475-2315 - Fax (928) 475-2301

Mission: We exist to educate and empower students to become culturally responsive, global Nn’ee
VisionWe will become an effective student focused learning community graduating culturally confident citizens

EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY:  Discrimination against an otherwise qualified individual with a disability or any individual by reason of race, color, religion, sex, and age or national origin is prohibited.  Efforts will be made in recruitment and employment to ensure equal opportunity in employment for all qualified persons.  San Carlos Unified School District Governing Board Policy No. GBA.  San Carlos Schools does recognize Native American Preference in Employment.
Position is responsible for providing services to assigned schools in the investigation and counseling of students with excessive attendance problems. Position enforces the provisions of the Arizona Department of Education and School District Policies, institutes legal proceedings; and presents case information to court services. Position assesses students and families; interprets attendance policies; works as a team member to develop prevention/intervention strategies; provides case management; monitors student progress; and makes referrals


  1. High School Diploma or GED
  2. Three (3) years of experience in general office procedures and/or attendance accounting procedures.
  3. Ability to type. Verbal and written communication skills.
  4. Must have current/obtain Fingerprint Clearance Card.
  5. Must have a Valid Arizona Driver’s License.
  6. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable




  1. Interprets the ADE rules and regulations, Governing Board Policies, court rulings, and the Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook relating to student attendance issues.
  2. Gathers and reviews attendance data to identify students who are excessively truant on daily basis.
  3. Assesses students with attendance problems and makes home visits to assess the family environment.
  4. Collaborates with school staff to develop interventions for students who are truant and develops
  5. Individualized service plans to improve attendance.
  6. Implements case management services (including individual counseling); monitors student/family progress; and makes referrals to other professional staff members or community agencies as needed.
  7. Serves as a liaison between assigned schools and such agencies as social services, court services, and the police department regarding student truancy.
  8. Monitors areas in the community where non-attending students are reported to congregate during school hours and takes appropriate action by executing enforcement steps.
  9. Initiates legal proceedings to enforce compulsory attendance laws; prepares information for formal Hearings/court cases; and represents the school division at court interagency staffing and in the courtroom.
  10. Provides families with information related to the needs of their child and acts as a resource to Parents/guardians by providing family support activities and communicating the importance of school attendance.
  11. Acts as a resource to administrators, guidance counselors, teachers, and health services personnel at assigned schools regarding attendance programs, interpretation of attendance policies/laws, and recordkeeping requirements.
  12. Assists with implementing truancy prevention programs for assigned schools and recommends strategies to support and improve regular school attendance (i.e.: incentives, peer groups, recognitions).
  13. Maintains necessary records ensuring confidentiality of students and their families and prepares related reports.
  14. Maintains status as Conservator of the Peace.
  15. Models nondiscriminatory practices in all activities.
  16. Performs other duties as assigned by the Principal.

SALARY:  Placed on Board Approved appropriate Salary Schedule according to experience and education.
EVALUATION:  Performance of this position will be evaluated annually in accordance with the Board’s policy on Evaluation of Personnel. 
Please apply online at go to Employment, then to Applitrak our online application system.  Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Human Resource Department Manager at (928) 475-2315, Ext. 1002.

Posted By

San Carlos Unified School District

PO Box 207 , San Carlos, AZ 85550

At the following locations

San Carlos Middle School

100 San carlos Ave. , San Carlos, AZ 85550