CTE Teacher - American Sign Language (.8 FTE)

Posted 5 months ago
Position Areas
Lead Teacher/Department Head


Contract Type Continuing 
Calendar 185 KEA Calendar
Salary Schedule      2024-2025 KEA Salary Schedule

Kent-Meridian High School

About Kent School District
Mission: Our mission explains our fundamental purpose as an organization. Kent School District’s mission is successfully preparing all students for their futures. 
Vision: Our vision captures the future we seek to create for our students. Kent School District’s vision is to produce graduates who are globally competitive learners. Through equitable access to high quality academic, social, and applied learning, students are ready to excel in college, careers, and in life. 
Values: Our core values drive our culture and answer the question, “How do we want to act, consistent with our mission, along the path toward achieving our vision?” Specific values are at the heart of our culture because they are levers that drive us towards achieving shared vision. Throughout this plan, three core values are prioritized: 

Equity: Student equity is ensuring that access to quality staff, courses, resources, activities, services and opportunities are provided for all students to succeed and grow based on their individual needs. 
Excellence: As a system and individuals, we strive for excellence through the intentional creation of student-centered and efficient actions that operate with coherence. 
Community: Partnership with our community prioritizes proactive involvement of those impacted by school district priorities and decision-making.

Strategic Plan | Kent School District
Discrimination | Kent School District

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Kent School District

25621 140th Avenue SE , Kent, WA 98042

At the following locations

Kent-Meridian High School

10020 SE 256th Street , Kent, WA 98030